- very selective horse racing service-

Why bet on anything other than the best?

Hi all Ian Quinn here.

Ask yourself that question.

Why bet on anything that isn't your best bet of the day?

What do I mean? I mean there is always one horse that a tipster or punter will fancy above any other on any given day. Why back anything but this horse?

When I look at a horse race, I look at what I think will happen, I look at the full field, I look for outsiders with a chance, I look at the form or the runners. I look at lots of things.

If I can see 2 or 3 outcomes. I simply do not bet.

I only bet on races where I see one outcome. One and only one. Its the only way I feel confident investing my hard earned cash on a bet.

There's nothing worse than seeing £250 go up in smoke only to realise that you could have used that cash for something you wanted or even to pay a bill with. Instead, you now still owe the bill but have just blown the cash you could have paid it with.

I see it all the time, tipsters picking 3-5 bets per day, every day like clockwork.


Here's a tip for you for free...

If your tipster picks the same amount of bets every single day, if its more than one.... they are just guessing!

No one can have full confidence in the same amount of bets every single day. They might be their best picks, but they will never be 100% on every single one of them. Chances are they are not overly confident in them at all and are just guessing.

The same goes for those SPRAY & PRAY style tipsters.

They pick 6 or more picks per day, sometimes as many as 10 and they celebrate with 2 wins, no matter how little the profit is that they make...

20% strike rate. I think I'd shoot myself!


Lets talk strike rates

This is the % that you pick winners from all your selections.

5 wins from 10 selections would be a 50% strike rate.

For me this is very important. Its the % chance that any of my picks are going to win and I want it as high as possible.

Forget the odds for a minute.

And before you think I'm crazy, think of it this way.

Whats the odds of a losing bet?

Doesn't matter, does it.

Told to bet £100 on a horse at 16/1 to win and it comes 2nd. How much do you win? Nothing you lose £100. How about if that horse was at 2/1. Same outcome you lose £100 on the bet.

Odds only come into it for the winners and anyone who is willing to take a 20% strike rate backing huge odds horses will not stick with it for long.

For me tipping is about picking winners. If I win every bet I make profit, no matter what the odds.

My goal as a tipster is to pick winners.

Not guess, not say it was worth a shot at those odds. Not to be in two minds and suggest going each way. (I conider that the "bookie bet"). If it comes close we'll give you 20% or 25% of the odds. No thanks.

If you want to know my current strike rate of 2024, keep reading.


Want some more free advice?

If your tipster picks the horses the night before the race, they are guessing!

So much can change 2-3 hours before the race that to think that you can be 100% sure of something the night before the racing is ludacrus to me. I know why people do it. There are 2 main reasons.

These are...

1) They say its for the value. To this I refer you to my point on, how much value does a loser have?

2) They are catering for the "punters" who cannot be at their computers.

By simply offering these 2 reasons, sometimes one, sometimes both, they are creating a service that sounds suitable and profitable. Have you joined any of these? If so, the fact you're reading this page alone makes me think its not going too well for you.

Simply put...


The Smart Money is the Late Money

You may have heard that before. I'm not taking credit for it, but whoever said it knew what they were talking about.

Imagine a friendly bet on anything.

Would you want to make a bet not knowing all the facts?

Maybe you have a few asumptions but nothing is known for sure.

Thats what betting too early involves. Betting without all the facts.

The bookies love people who bet like this. They offer them better odds knowing full well so many people will make the wrong choice.

For me winning is more important than how much I win. If I win more I am more confident investing more. It would be the same with anything when it comes to money.

Got an investor who shows me they know how to trade and profit every time and one who has big wins but then doesn't hit often. I'm going with the first guy.

If you're like me then I have something to offer you.


So whats on offer?

It may not surprise you to find out I am offering you a tipping service.

It may not be like many you have tried before just for the way it operates.

I bet Monday to Saturday each week, 6 days per week, 6 bets. Simply my best bet every day.

This doesn't mean we're always backing favourites as I'll show you in the stats below but we are always backing to win.

1 win bet per day Monday to Saturday.

I ony back one bet because its simply my best bet of the day. By backing just one horse I can put £100 on it, rather than lowering my stakes and putting £50 on 2 different ones and £33.33 if there are 3. If I picked 4 we'd be down to just £25 per horse with the same outlay.

Focussing on just the best bet each day will mean that we can stake more.

Now just because its my best bet doesn't mean it wins every time, check out the stats...


Stats & Winners

Before we dig into the stats I bet to Starting Price also known as SP. This is the price of the horse when the race starts. It also means my members all get the same profit as me when we win, I don't get the best odds and as members back the horse the last one on is taking a hugely reduced price. It also shows that my approach is profitable to odds attainable by everyone.

I'll post the summary for each month but there's a link below so you can see every runner I've backed this year:

Here are a few take aways...

  • I've won 63 of 154 total bets, this is just above 40% (40.91%) so less than half - expect over half your bets to lose!
  • I've made profit every month
  • My average win odds are very similar to the average odds backed across all horses.
  • My longest losing run is 5, so its never a long wait for a winner and I've hit 3 winners in a row and multiple occasions.

The most important stat is that we've mad emoney every month and to £100 bets its up to over £8,660!

Want to check out all the selection and winners?

Click here to view the spreadsheet

Ask yourself this...

Do you want to make profit every month?
Can you handle a few days without winners?
Do you have a 20pt betting bank*?

If the answer to those 3 questions is yes then keep reading...

* A betting bank is how much you should have as your total bank. I advice 20pts with 1pt staked per bet. I use £100 bets so that's a £2,000 total betting bank. Even if you only have £100 to start off with that would mean you can place £5 daily bets and already be up £430 this year so far!

How much does this cost?

I'll keep this simple and low cost...

I want you to try this out.
I want you to realise that the Smart Money is the Late Money.
I want you to see what winning looks like.

So I want to price this so even if you do want to bet at £5 per go, its still worth your while.

So I am offering a HUGELY DISCOUNTED deal.

Get the next 6 months for just £60 (that's only £10 per month)

This is a one time payment.

No recurring fees are attached in any way. If you want to get the
bets after this has run out you will have to sign up again.

100 is the maximum number of members I can take on board.
I could close the doors early though if I think the odds are
being comprimised at any point.









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IQ Bets
- very selective horse racing service -